Print vs Media - Hoof Thursday, February 1, 2018
TLDR; I learned to memorize by reading and writing paper content I learned to look up using digital content. I find myself continually using indexing and ctrl-f to find information in digital content whereas I actually read and commit to memory when I read physical text and write physical notes. Lessons I learned once and apparently have forgotten since Yep. Awkward, right? Hear me out. I’m studying for my PMP exam (finally) and up until now I’ve been using PDF’s and the like to read and jot down notes.…
Keeping Myself Organized Friday, January 12, 2018
My most productive months through 2017 Were from about July through to the middle of December. As I sit here in my office I wonder what happened? I’ve gone from completing real actionable items daily to feeling like I’m just spinning my tires again, but I’m definitely not. Since my first day back to work of 2018, I’ve successfully: Implemented a prototype for a potential new internal project Furthermore I’ve had 1 sit-down meeting to demo the application sprints and 3 meaningful conversations around alignment of the processes we’re looking to automate.…