IndexedDB + React for Offline Storage
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Offline data is annoying. I’m used to storing data in localstorage which is okay… sometimes. When you have a small amount of data to store such as user settings or persisting filters between views then this is a decent enough solution. I was working on a project recently that had a wild requirement appear where we needed to store upwards of 10k items offline. Needless to say, this put performance problems in our application.…
ReactJSDatabaseOffline StorageIndexedDBidbJavaScriptReactJSDatabaseOffline StorageIndexedDBidbJavaScript
Yet Another Stateless Authentication Blog Post for the MEAN stack.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
#inb4: this ain’t new. I’m writing this for everyone that wants a slightly more organized approach to express middleware and authentication. I’m writing this because once again I was inspired by how much I adore Node, Express, and all the delights that come from being able to implement my API’s and leverage middlewares. Also, I’m using async / await, which is pretty neat. I’m going to use MongoDB as a datastore it just jives so well with Node.…