Benchmarking a pi calculation for fun
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Dotnet Core, Golang, Node, C, Java, Python. This is what I felt like doing on a Tuesday night after seeing yet another article discussing the performance of dotnet core over node.js. As is typical when things like these arise, our team’s slack channel went into the lightest of debates about C# vs Node, compiled speeds vs interpreted languages, and finally back to what we were originally discussing - “Do you think cypress would be faster than selenium?…
Brainteasers - they're important!
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
48 days ago I signed up for I haven’t completed all 48 problems however the ones that I have completed, I’ve had a blast with. It bring back a challenge that’s been missing - not that my work and personal life don’t have their own challenges. It brings me back to basics and gets me thinking again on algorithm design and optimization of code. Much of my development work (which is less and less these days) is done using a framework of some sort which puts a layer of ‘magic’ on top of the coding experience.…